I am a PhD student in Computer Science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and part of the Massivizing Computer Systems group (AtLarge). I am also a part of StoNet-research. My research area is scheduling storage and networked systems. I have a Msc Computer Science degree (specialised in Big Data Engineering) from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), and a Bsc in Computer Science/Gametech from Utrecht University. If you want to contact me feel free to do so! I will probably not respond to emails, I prefer GitHub for code related stuff and LinkedIn for work related stuff (see socials). To see what I have been up to, look at my /cv, /publications or my /notes.

This site is hosted with GitHub Pages using Jekyll with the Minima theme. All notes are written with Emacs Org Mode. The source code is available at Github.